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Protecting Your Family During COVID-19

By John Whinery, VP of Product, Lennox Industries

While we've been pursuing perfect air for over a century, the past year has brought that mission even closer to home. With the COVID-19 pandemic keeping homeowners indoors more than ever, clean air has never been more important.

That's why I'm especially excited and proud to announce that, after months of rigorous testing, the PureAir and PureAir S Air Purification Systems, with the Lennox Healthy Climate Carbon Clean 16® air filter, remove over 99% of the virus that causes COVID-191 from the air2. When it comes to the safety and comfort of homeowners and families, we don't take our role lightly, and we hope this announcement serves as further evidence of our unwavering dedication to whole-home purification for perfect air.

While COVID-19 is a top concern, our residential air filtration systems go a step further as hospital-grade3 air filtration systems that capture and remove over 99% of virus particles, including the common cold, influenza and viruses 4x smaller than SARS-CoV-2. It is even more efficient – 99.9% to be precise – at removing larger particles, like mold spores, pollen, dust and pet dander. Unlike other air purification systems, the PureAir and PureAir S systems produce no ozone, a common lung irritant. Better still, they actively work to reduce ozone generated by other sources in your home.

Lennox' residential air filtration systems remove over 99% of virus particles, including the common cold, influenza and viruses 4x smaller than SARS-CoV-2. It is even more efficient – 99.9% to be precise – at removing larger particles, like mold spores, pollen, dust and pet dander.

As someone with my own family at home, I know how critical it is to feel confident in the products that keep your loved ones healthy and safe. We partnered with LMS Technologies, Inc., an independent filtration research and testing lab, to put our air filters through rigorous testing. After performing months of unbiased, controlled testing with standardized test procedures, we feel confident that our systems are delivering on Lennox' commitment to provide consistently clean, perfect air.

When paired with the PureAir S Air Purification System or the Lennox Healthy Climate Carbon Clean 16® air filter, a Lennox HVAC system provides unrivaled air filtration and the ultimate level of indoor air quality to ensure the health and safety of homeowners and their families. Part of Lennox' Ultimate Comfort System, the PureAir S air purifier offers seamless precision in air quality and intelligently works with other units in the Dave Lennox Signature® Collection to stay finely tuned to your home with unmatched efficiency.

In a time marked by such uncertainty, my hope is that these systems can bring homeowners like you the confidence to breathe a little more easily.

1. When used properly with other best practices recommended by CDC and others, filtration can be part of a plan to reduce the potential for airborne transmission of COVID-19 indoors.
2. Removal efficiency based on third party testing results using MS-2 bacteriophage (ATCC 15597-B1). Bacteria representative of virus-sized particles like SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. November 2020.
3. Not intended for actual hospital use. Based on Table 1: Application guidelines in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 52.2-2017.

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