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Celebrate Movember. And thanks for giving.

Quick, what special occasion do you associate with November? Your first guess probably involves turkey, in-laws, pilgrims and football. But there's another important event to celebrate all November long: Movember.

Founded in 2003, the Movember movement seeks to raise awareness for men's health issues by encouraging men to grow moustaches all month long.

The Movember Moustache: A badge of honor

Growing a moustache may not seem like much of an effort, but you'd be surprised how powerful of a tool it can be. First off, few things are more associated with men and manliness than a moustache. Draw one on a stick figure, and it's obvious that's no woman. Second, moustaches are conversation starters; they're hard to miss, and provide a natural segue into spreading the Movember message every time someone asks about the obvious change in your appearance.

Be a part of a growing movement

Nine years ago, during its inaugural year, only 30 people officially celebrated Movember. Last year, that number was over 1 million. The Movember cause is only getting bigger. So get started with it today, and make it a yearly observation. Who knows whom you'll end up helping.

An international presence

As of last year, Movember is observed in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and the USA. So if you choose to participate, you're in some pretty good company.

The men's health cause for women, too

You don't have to be a man to celebrate Movember. Women who choose to support the cause by encouraging the men in their lives to grow moustaches for Movember are called Mo Sistas, and they're just as important to the cause.

Get involved

Visit websites like us.movember.com to learn how you can help support awareness for serious men's health issues like testicular cancer, prostate cancer and mental health. You can even start your own Movember team, or lend your support to an existing team.

Movember and Lennox, a natural fit

Movember is an important cause that's near and dear to everyone here at Lennox. Our founder, Dave Lennox, is known almost as much for his moustache as he is for his overalls and signature bandana and cap. Therefore, Lennox' goal this year is to donate up to $25,000 to the Movember cause, based on the number of times someone shares content from the Lennox Movember website.

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