Human Rights Policy

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Last Updated: June 2022


To provide guidelines and outline our commitment regarding human rights throughout our operations and supply chain.


This policy applies to Lennox International Inc. and its operating subsidiaries (“LII”).


Introduction – Respecting and Protecting Human Rights

As a global corporate citizen whose core values are Integrity, Respect, and Excellence, we have a responsibility to respect and uphold basic human dignity and human rights, including the rights of women and minorities, throughout our operations and supply chain. We do this in alignment with and adherence to:

  • the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (“UNGPs”),
  • the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles and the Sustainable Development Goals,
  • the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
  • the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises,
  • international labor standards, like the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and
  • applicable laws and regulations.

We encourage suppliers, distributors, and other business relationships (collectively, “Business Partners”) to uphold these principles and adopt similar policies within their own businesses. Our Code of Business Conduct(opens in new window) and Business Partner Code of Conduct(opens in new window) provide additional guidance for what we expect from our employees and Business Partners, respectively. We will continue to grow existing programs and implement measures in this area.

Child and Forced Labor

We do not tolerate the use of child labor, forced labor, or human trafficking within our operations and supply chain. We prohibit the employment of individuals under the minimum age allowed by applicable law. Our policies follow regulations, including the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Safety and Health

One of our most important priorities is ensuring that every one of our employees around the world goes home safe at the end of each day. We are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment from product design and manufacturing to installation and service. We constantly assess safety and maintain a healthy work environment through vigilance, training and awareness campaigns, policies and procedures, safety committees and champions, adherence to applicable laws, and regular observations and audits.

Diversity and Inclusion

We believe diversity and inclusion efforts play a critical role in the ongoing pursuit of equality. We support advancement opportunities to all persons and base employment decisions (e.g. recruitment, hiring, placement, development, training, compensation, and advancement) on merit, qualifications, and abilities.

Harassment and Discrimination

We are devoted to maintaining a work environment free from physical or mental harassment and intimidation. We do not allow discrimination on the basis of age, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, genetic information, national origin, religion, disability, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.

Wage and Hour

We provide fair compensation and benefits, including comprehensive health and wellbeing benefits, to remain competitive in our industry, while complying with all applicable wage, work hours, overtime, and benefits laws.

Freedom of Association

We respect our employees’ voluntary right to join or not join labor organizations in compliance with applicable laws.


We respect the legitimate right to privacy and collect, use, and process personal information of LII’s employees, customers, and third parties in accordance with applicable privacy laws.


We are committed to minimizing the environmental impact of our operations and continuously advancing sustainability in our products, services, and operations. This commitment includes recycling and minimizing waste, preserving natural resources like water, reducing emissions generated by our activities, and avoiding or minimizing the use of hazardous substances. We see access to clean air and water as basic human rights.

Reporting Suspected Violations and Other Ethical Concerns

We are committed to promoting a work environment where employees and others feel safe to report violations and participate in investigations without fear of retaliation. If you have a question or believe a LII employee or Business Partner is violating our values, this Policy, or applicable laws, you have a responsibility to act by contacting:

You can also report matters through EthicsPoint, which is provided by an independent third-party, is available 24/7 in a number of languages, and gives you the option to remain anonymous where allowed by law. EthicsPoint can be accessed:

Pick the option that is most comfortable for you. The important thing is to speak up! LII does not allow retaliation against employees for reporting violations or suspected violations.